
,2022年7月4日—Golemsaremeanttodrawalldefensesandtankforwitches/bowlerswhiletheytakeoutallthebuildings.Pekkasgetdistractedanddepathto ...,ThemightyGolemlovestosoakupdamage!Whendestroyed,itexplodesandsplitsintoGolemites.TheresultingGolemiteshaveone-fifththeGolem'sstrength ...,GolemCocyupokwenyeFacebook.JiungenaFacebookkuwasiliananaGolemCocnawengineunaowafahamu.Facebookinawapawatuuwezowakushiriki...

Are golem useless?

2022年7月4日 — Golems are meant to draw all defenses and tank for witches/bowlers while they take out all the buildings. Pekkas get distracted and depath to ...


The mighty Golem loves to soak up damage! When destroyed, it explodes and splits into Golemites. The resulting Golemites have one-fifth the Golem's strength ...

Golem Coc

Golem Coc yupo kwenye Facebook. Jiunge na Facebook kuwasiliana na Golem Coc na wengine unaowafahamu. Facebook inawapa watu uwezo wa kushirikiana na...

Golem | Clash of Clans Wiki

The Golem is a Dark Elixir Troop unlocked once the Dark Barracks is upgraded to level 4. They are slow ground troops with low damage but massive hitpoints.